head matters
In the early Spring of 1869 a small group of Lutheran men and women gathered together, and under the guidance of Rev. John Karrer they formed The German Evangelical Emmanuel's Congregation of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession of Leland and Vicinity. (Thankfully the name was shortened to Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church!)
In 1879 the congregation joined what would become The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Originally, German was the official language of the congregation. English could be spoken if 2/3 of the members present approved. A meeting of the voters on February 10, 1919 decided that English would become the primary language and German could be used if those present approved.
Two of the goals of the congregation upon its founding were the conducting of regular worship services and maintaining proper educational programs for the young people of the congregation. Worship services and Bible studies were held in homes and in school buildings, when available.
The first permanent church building was built in 1873 and was located about where the Parish Hall is today. (Church records reveal that the original building cost $375.54 to build and furnish!) A parsonage was also built and was located on Pearl Street about one block away from the church.
Some highlights from minutes of the congregation's meetings include:
Since the founding of our church in 1869, we have had sixteen pastors shepherding the flock here in Leland:
Pastor John Karrer Founder 1869
Pastor William Dinke- October 1869 through June 1870
Pastor Martin Toewe- August 1870 through September 1874
Pastor John Bundenthal- September 1874 through September 1877
Pastor John Karrer- October 1878 through May 1883
Pastor Herman Bruss- 1883 through November 1885
Pastor George Hempfing- 1887 through 1891
Pastor William Boritizke- October 1890 through February 1897
Pastor L.J. Schmidt- 1897 through July 1900
Pastor H. Specklin- 1900 through 1903
Pastor Paul Englebert- 1903 through 1910
Pastor T.C. Hessler- 1912 through 1925
Pastor Edward Schmidt- 1925 through 1953 (son of L.J. Schmidt)
Pastor Albert Krueger- 1953 through 1962
Pastor Karl Weckwert- June 1964-January 1979
Pastor Robert Butler- May 1979 through January 1993
Pastor Larry Matro- August 1993 through November 2014
Pastor Joshua LaFeve- July 2015 to present What to Expect Our Beliefs Our Story Staff